barbouillade de fèves

We are looking forward to spring

to realize this barbouillade of beans which puts all the family to contribute to … peel the beans! It’s a little tedious, but what’s good!

For 4 people: 1.5 kilos of beans, 3 quilts, 150 g of smoked diced bacon, 1 small lettuce, 1 case of olive oil, 1 clove of garlic, dried savory, 5 cl of chicken broth, 1 piece of sugar, salt and pepper.

Shell the beans. Immerse them for 1 minute in boiling salted water and then in a bowl filled with ice water. Peel them delicately and book them.

Finely chop the steaks. Wash the lettuce and chop it.

In the casserole, brown the onions in a cup of olive oil. Add the smoked bacon, lettuce, mix. Add the beans, the garlic in the shirt, the savory, the chicken broth, the sugar, pepper lightly.

Cover and let shiver for 5 minutes.

Open the casserole. Cook uncovered for 3 minutes for excess cooking water to evaporate if needed. Rectify the seasoning if necessary.

You can also add finely chopped artichoke hearts to this barbouïado, the marriage of two flavors blending perfectly. Serve hot with poultry fillet, for example.