salade niçoise

No salad, rice, green beans or potatoes are part of an authentic Niçoise salad.

The only variation allowed, replace the anchovies with oil tuna or grilled. But never mix tuna and anchovies!

For 4 persons: 4 organic eggs, 500 g of pod beans, 6 purple artichokes, 1 lemon, 1 kg of tomatoes, 1 cucumber, 1 small green salad pepper, 10 pink radishes, 6 scallions, 1 clove of garlic, 100 g of unpitted Niçois olives, 12 anchovy fillets, 6 basil leaves, 4 tbsp. olive oil, salt and pepper.

Cook the eggs for 10 minutes in boiling water. Écalez them. Shell the beans. Prepare the artichokes (see recipe artichokes in barigoule). Cut in four and rub them with lemon immediately to prevent them from turning black.

Cut the tomatoes into small dices. Sprinkle with salt to make juice. Peel the cucumber and cut it into cubes. Cut the pepper in half, remove the seeds and chop it finely. Finely chop the pink radishes. Finely chop the steaks. Cut the boiled eggs in four.

Rub the salad bowl with the peeled garlic clove, so that it slightly perfumes the salad. Place the well-drained tomatoes in the bowl. Reserve their juice. Cover with all other ingredients and olives, ending with hard boiled eggs and anchovies. Mix the olive oil and the juice made by the tomatoes, add the chopped basil and pepper.

Season the salade niçoise with this ‘vinaigrette’ at the last minute and mix at the table.