tomates à la provençale

A true concentrate of flavors and sunshine, Provençal tomatoes are cooked in a pan.

The real question that divides the Provençal: bread crumbs or not?

For 2 persons: 8 beautiful ripe tomatoes, 1 tbsp. coffee of sugar, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 bunch of parsley, 4 tbsp. breadcrumbs (or not), olive oil, salt and pepper.

Wash and cut tomatoes in half. Remove the seeds. Heat 2 tbsp. olive oil in a large skillet. Arrange the flesh-side tomatoes in the pan, salt slightly, add the sugar and cook on low heat for 20 to 30 minutes.

The tomatoes will lose volume and make a lot of juice, which will evaporate. Watch them carefully for compoting without burning.

Using 2 tablespoons, gently flip the tomatoes. Continue cooking for another 20 minutes. There must be no more juice and the tomatoes must be confit.

Peel the garlic. Chop it finely with the parsley. Add bread crumbs (or not) to this mixture. Sprinkle the tomatoes with this parsley and serve.

You can deglaze the juices with 6 spices vinegar and sprinkle your tomatoes with this juicy juice.